© 2025 — Oddlots Wine Shop, Inc.

Odd Lot #128: Basciano 2018 Chianti Rufina Riserva (sold in 12x750ml lots)

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $19.70.

Thanksgiving week hours:
Tuesday 11/26 & Wednesday 11/27 – 11-6pm
Thanksgiving 11/28 – 11-2pm

Category: .

Hi Everyone,

This March we negotiated a deal with winemaker Paolo Masi on his drop-dead-delicious 2018 Chianti Rufina Riserva. This wine has always owned the honor of sporting one of the more, shall we say, “less-elegant-looking” label designs in the appellation, and while all of us have grown to appreciate this fact and love this wine for that, Paolo decided it was time to professionalize the packaging a bit. After all, this wine is one of the best examples of Riserva in the Chianti Rufina DOC each year…

The thinking was that we’d scoop up all of the existing stock with the “old” package above at a favorable cost basis, and that once the load landed we’d run a Odd Lot offer on it, divvying things up quietly on a Halloween afternoon email since there are only so many cases to play with.

Shortly thereafter, a bunch of nice press came out, such as this from Monica:

“The 2018 Chianti Rufina Riserva is a robust and layered red wine with ripe cherry and baked plum backed by earthy tones, leather and some distant floral perfumes. The blend is 95% Sangiovese with 5% Colorino, and the wine ages in medium-toast barrique (some new and some used) for 24 months. The results are generous and simple with a soft, fleshy texture. (reviewed at $28).” – Monica Larner, Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate 4/24

…Monica’s quoted $28 retail is a bit low on this compared to the market (most people price at $30), but factor in our dealmaking and direct importation and we have about as easy a decision for you as you’ve seen from anyone on a classic release in the Chianti Rufina Riserva category.

First come, first served, delivery NEXT week.